How To Install Cabinet Hardware The Easy Way

I spent the last two weekends in the bathroom. No, I wasn’t sick, but I was finishing the last big project in the kids' bathroom remodel and finally got to some of the finishing touches like installing cabinet hardware!

In fact, we are on track to finish everything tomorrow and I seriously can not wait to show you the finished product! The hubs and I have sorta impressed ourselves with the level of work we’ve been able to do in here. (Update: The Kid's Bathroom Reveal)

how to install cabinet hardware the easy way Great tutorial to get your hardware straight the first time!Pin

But today, we are going to talk cabinet hardware. Specifically how to install cabinet hardware the easy way. So that each pull or knob ends up straight and in line with the drawer next to it.

If you’ve ever had to put hardware on brand new cabinets you know it can be nerve wracking cause you have one shot with the drill to get it right.

And nobody wants crooked cabinet hardware, or even worse brand new ruined cabinets.

I’ve installed my share of hardware and I find the best way to go about getting it right is to make a template. Having a template will allow you to do your measuring once and then simply line it up and mark your holes.

Supplies To Install Cabinet Hardware

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  • Thin piece of cardboard or card stock- I used a cereal box cut open.
  • Pencil
  • Something to measure with (I used the cutting mat that I use for sewing, but any measuring stick will do.)
  • Utility knife, X-acto knife, or rotary cutter and something straight to cut along like a large book
  • Drill and drill bit that your hardware calls for
  • Small piece of wood
  • Clamps

Create a Template

You will need to create a template for each different size drawer front that you have.

Step 1: Cut the cardboard

Using your cutting tool and measuring device, cut a piece of the cardboard the same exact dimensions as your cabinet or drawer front, or a portion of it.

For example, I wanted my drawer pulls to be centered on each drawer front. My drawer fronts have a small detail on them that creates a rectangle in the middle of the drawer. So I made a template to match the dimensions of that rectangle, not the entire drawer front.

Step 2: Mark the center

Find the center of your template by folding your cardboard in half both long and short ways. Mark your center with a “t”.

Step 3: Mark the hardware holes

Mark your hardware holes. Your hardware should come with a diagram that tells you how far apart the holes are. Using that measurement, divided by 2, and measure that distance from your center point and mark your holes.

Double check the distance by holding your hardware up to your template.

Step 4: Punch the holes

Punch your holes by tapping a nail through your cardboard.

Step 5: Mark the holes on the cabinet

Place your template on the drawer front, lining up each corner, and mark your holes on the cabinet with a pencil.

how to install cabinet pullsPin

Step 6: Double check the holes

Double check your work. You will want to make sure each set of holes is level and also that the holes from one drawer to the next are level.

Step 7: Clamp the wood piece

Clamp a small piece of wood on the back side of your drawer before drilling your holes. This will ensure that you don’t tear off any of the surface of the cabinetry on the back side and create a really clean hole.

Step 8: Attach the hardware

Attach your cabinet hardware from the back side of the cabinet or drawer front using the screws provided.

You might want to enlist the help of a cutie like this to help you clean up the shavings. #lovethiskid

And that’s it! Now you have nice even and straight cabinet hardware with minimal measuring!

how to install cabinet pulls the easy wayPin

Consider this your sneak peek of what we have been working so hard on and keep your eyes peeled for the big reveal in the next week or two!