The Most Embarrassing Room In My Home
I have a REALLY embarrassing room in my home. I’m hoping you do too for the sake of easing the pain when you see the photos. (It is really bad.)
If for some reason you’ve thought up until now that I’ve got it all figured out when it comes to functional and beautiful spaces I’m about to burst that bubble. Of course I know what it takes to create a functional and beautiful space, but let’s just say that since we moved into our home nearly 6 years ago, this room I’m about to show you has been “the crap room.”
You know what I’m talking about right?
The room that all those little piles of crap laying around get shoved into 20 minutes before company arrives? Or the the room that stores the stuff you own that doesn’t have a home? The stuff you don’t even know you own or why you own it?
Yeah that room.
Ok. Good. I’m not alone then.
So it’s safe to invite you into this terrifying mess that I’ve been using as my office. Talk about a blow to the ol’ creativity.
You ready? I’m going to cover my eyes so I can’t see your reaction. Please don’t judge cause I have a plan and it is going to be awesome when I’m done.
Oh man. How have I managed to muster any ounce of creative juice while sitting in this room?
I am mortified but I wouldn’t be doing my job if I wasn’t willing to put it all out there. The whole point of this blog thing is to inspire you to create a home you love. And well, sometimes that means a really good non- example.
Or at least admitting that not every nook and cranny of my home is well thought out or even nice looking. (This is definite proof of that!)
My hope is that you will follow along on this office overhaul and want to take on your own crap room! (Or at least cheer me on as I sift my way out from under the craft supply hoarding issue I seem to have. Or the unopened mail from over a year ago– so embarrassing, but I’m willing to take one for the team.)
You with me?
I mean c’mon. It shouldn’t take 20 minutes to find a pair of scissors right? And I’m sorry, but how many such-and-such for dummies books does one family need?
I am sooooo ready for a more productive use of my time and this space!
Let’s continue on with the embarrassing photos. (I hope they are making you feel better about your own space.)
At some point I did attempt to organize my supplies in the closet. But let’s just deem it a fail so I can move on and away from these photos and redeem myself with the plan that I have for this space shall we?
My Plan for This His and Her's Office Overhaul
Clearly this room is in need of a few (or few dozen) things. Here’s a short list of the immediate needs.
- 2 work desks (one for the hubs and one for me, preferably on separate walls so we can’t blame the mess on the other person.)
- Craft storage
- A large work surface.
- Better lighting.
- A filing system that we can keep up with.
- A system for bringing in the mail and getting it sorted right away.
- An overall inspiring space that makes me feel organized and creative.
Here’s what I have come up with so far.
I’m thinking lots and lots of white!
Each of us will have a side of the room. Mine will have my desk, craft storage, and a work table. His side will have his desk and the filing system.
I’m excited to also have wall space on each side of the room that we can make our own with things that inspire us to do great work and a showcase of accomplishments.
This has been long overdue and getting this room in order is going to make such a huge difference in my business, our life, and let’s be real… my marriage!
Do you have a room in your home that needs a total clean out and overhaul? Do tell to ease my embarrassment pretty please!
Hey There Home Headquarters is happening people. And it’s going to be good!
My Step-By-Step Plan To Declutter Your Home
In my online course, The Declutter Method, you'll learn the simple mindset and efficiency hacks, plus get a step-by-step decluttering plan that will have you decluttering entire spaces without making a bigger mess and burning out. Join the hundreds of students who have made huge progress and seen big results!